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education, research & outreach

Promoting the value of the unique environments of the LowCountry region of South Carolina.

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Browse Our Nature Notes

  • On a recent field trip, our master naturalist class was treated to something really neat.

  • Monarchs are not the only butterflies to migrate through our area this time of year. 

  • I think most of you guys realize that I have a real fondness for sharks!

  • As a kid, about this time of year, my friends and I would collect mistletoe to sell door to door in the neighborhood.

  • For this nature note...I thought it would be interesting to relate a story that happened to us one evening.

  • The other white meat!

  • am generally not one to "anthropomorphize" animals but this  experience from a few years ago really got me thinking.

  • I sat on the edge of the jon boat balancing myself as I donned fins and a mask preparing to snorkel after my elusive quarry. 

  • I sure remember the first time I got really "tagged" by a blue crab. 

  • I realize a few of you guys have heard this before but...I just love this story!

  • The Biting of the Shrew!

  • I never claimed to be a bat expert, but when I was called one afternoon to check out a large colony from a nearby residence, I jumped at the opportunity. 

 Featured Presentation

  • Port Royal Sound
    Port Royal Sound

    Port Royal Sound

    Port Royal Sound is a marriage of ocean and land, a relationship created by the combination of rising sea level, exceptionally high tides, and its unique geology. The synergistic combination of these three factors has produced a marine environment that is one of North America’s overlooked ecological jewels. As residents of the Lowcountry, it is our responsibility to understand and protect it.

    The Port Royal Sound system is unique compared to other coastal areas in North America because it is a large embayment dominated by expansive salt marshes and an area with high salinity water.

  • Pesticide Information Tool
    Pesticide Information Tool

    Pesticide Information Tool

    Maintaining a balanced, productive, and economically viable coastal ecosystem in South Carolina requires initiative and sustainable practices from all. Our Pesticide Information Tool focuses on commonly used pesticides in residential areas, and ways to reduce the impact of those pesticides.

    Rapid population growth and urban expansion in our coastal zone can result in loss of valuable ecosystem functions and resources. If all residents make small changes in pest management strategies, then we all contribute to sustaining the beauty and function of where many of us call home - the estuarine ecosystem.